达文波特充满了圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台的学生和毕业生. 拥有包括医疗保健在内的多元化经济格局, manufacturing, and technology, 学生可以在约翰迪尔(John Deere)和创世纪医疗系统(Genesis Health System)等行业领导者那里获得实习和合作机会. 毕业生在金融领域找到了很有前途的职业道路, education, and IT, 为城市的蓬勃发展做出贡献.
我们的都市区人口接近400人,000 people strong, 锚定了爱荷华州和伊利诺伊州这两个州.
Whether it's a concert downtown at Adler Theater; exploring the Figge Art Museum; watching our minor league Champions – the Quad Cities River Bandits – score another win at picturesque Modern Woodman Park; or enjoying biking, fishing, 或者沿着密西西比河划皮艇.
Quad Cities是许多优秀音乐会场地的所在地. 河上音乐体验, Rust Belt, Adler Theatre, and the TaxSlayer Center offer a variety of concerts and performances featuring musical acts; comedy shows; and traveling productions.
在音乐节领域,我们涵盖了从爵士和蓝调到另类音乐和zydeco. Check out these annual fests happening in the Quad Cities: Mississippi Valley Fair; Alternating Currents; Bix Jazz Fest; Mississippi Valley Blues Fest; Gumbo Ya Ya, and others. 戏剧爱好者也会发现该地区不乏场地. Quad Cities拥有令人印象深刻的表演和表演舞台.